Forgot Password

If you forget the password, we provide multiple verification methods to reset the password. Please refer to the following detailed instruction below.

Verification Methods

Before you reset the password, the platform needs to verify your identity. This is done through the following ways:

● Email verification

● ID authentication test

Entering account name

Link sent by a teacher

The following will explain the detailed steps for verification. Please click Forgot Password and follow the steps to reset it.

Verified Email

Type your email address that connects with your account. The reset message will be sent to your email address. Please follow the instructions given and reset the password.

1. Type your email address that connects with your account and click Submit.

2. For detailed instructions on how to connect an email address to your account, please refer to Edit Your Account and Profile Information.

ID Authentication Test

If your account has not been verified by email, you must pass the identity authentication test to set a new password. Click I didn't connect any email

There are two ways to obtain the identity verification test link; enter your account name or use the link sent by a Teacher

way 1 Enter your account name

If you remember the user account name, you can start the authentication test after entering the account name.

Type your account name

If you have received a journal from your teacher or parent provide them with your email address to send a validation link from the Teacher Dashboard to your inbox.

Content of the Test

During the test the system will ask you several questions such as your name, birthday, and downloaded character to ensure that the tester is the user himself. After passing the test, you can set a new password. If the test fails, the system will lock this account temporarily, you will need to wait 24 hours before taking another authentication test again.

After passing the test, you can set a new password. When it is completed, the system will ask you whether you want to connect your account to your email address. It is recommended to set up and do the verification here. In case you forget again, you can directly get the verification code from your email and reset your password. No authentication test is required.

Last updated