Access Student Profiles

Click the Student List on the homepage, you will see all of your students listed here. Click Detail and you will enter the student profile. Inside the student profile, you can see student journals or student emotional changes. Click Journals to see the comic stories the students have created previously. Click Emotional Changes to see diagrams of students’ emotional changes during the selected period.

Picture 1. List of students

Search by Student Name

After entering the student list, you can enter the name of the student you want to look for in the search bar, click the search icon and enter the name, and you will quickly find the student.

Student Profile

Click Detail to see the student profile in detail.

Picture 2. Click Detail to enter the student’s profile

Inside the student profile you can see student journals or student emotional changes.


Below the student profile, you will see all the journal–comic stories students have submitted. You can quickly manage the journal of the student. If there are journals–comic stories that have not been reviewed it will be marked with a dot to remind the teacher. This is seen in picture 3.

Picture3. journals–comic stories that have not been reviewed, will be marked with a red dot

Emotional Changes

Emotional changes allow teachers to observe the emotion of their students based on the journal entries. They can track changes in the students during a specific period of time. For more details, please refer to Emotional Analysis and Statistics.

Last updated